
a gift from the ants?

i spent most of this day moving more of my things to and from... i'm finding myself more at home in the new place, as my favorite things are slowly making the journey. it has been lovely to watch for h.m's reaction to the new things arriving daily; a lamp or two here, a cupboard of tea there. mostly he gives me a satisfied nod and smile, recognizing that this space was lacking without my things.
a more troublesome adjustment has been with the ants who have found their way up to this fifth of floors, through the bedroom, along the living room wall and into the kitchen. and back. they have surprised (and fascinated) me in their determination, and i have surprised myself in my ruthlessness.

on a much more bizarre and heretofore unexplained note (hee hee. note), a fifty dollar bill appeared on our bedroom floor last night. neither h.m. nor i can remember the last time we even had a fifty dollar bill, let alone one that would have gone un-missed to then turn up now, completely out of nowhere. it is mystery that has sparked guy ritchie-esque schemes in my imagination, with hookers, maitre d's, and money hidden in drop-ceiling tiles... though as a believer in accam's razor, i should be more convinced that it was left as a peace offering from the ants.
i will take it as such, and terminate the poisoning.
and tonight, h.m. and i will enjoy the dinner-and-movie date that is long overdue... with our new $50.

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